Friday, 15 October 2010

Stop Motion Practise

For my graphics project 'Motion Graphics' I have to make a piece of graphics using After Effects for the BBC to be displayed on the big screen in Derby. I plan on using a mixture different types of motion graphics. This was a practise run of Stop Motion, I thought it worked well, and will be using this video in my final piece of work for this project.

Dennis Morris 'Live Talk'

I attended a Dennis Morris talk at Burton Libary, on the 13th of October 2010. I found the talk very interesting as he told the stories of his journeys becoming, and being a photographer. It inspired me as one day i'd like to have my own interesting, funny stories to tell people.

                                                                       Dennis Morris

I liked his photographs he took of Bob Marley, I thought they were original, and very interesting to look at as I wasn't aound when Bob Marley was alive so it gave me insight on what sort of a performer and person he was. I found he was very fun, random and energetic. 

Dennis Quotes:
"If you want to be a photographer, you have to go to the roots of photography and learn from the greats"
"The camera doesn't make the picture, its just a tool"
"Most people look but don't see"

As you can see here it shows him as a fun, and happy person to be around. 

Tuesday, 5 October 2010

My Final AS Pieces Of Graphic Work.

These are my final pieces of work I handed in for my AS year in Graphic Design.

This is some of my artist research I have done on the Photographer 'Bill Henson' I really enjoyed looking at his work as the brightly coloured skies in some of his images inspried me to go out and take some of my own images of the skies, to try and capture there true colour, and the different colours they create at different times of the day.